Our Rescue and Restore Project aims to prevent human trafficking with sexual or work exploitation purposes and promotes the comprehensive care of people who are victims of this crime, seeking to facilitate their social integration and the reinstatement of their rights.

Currently, we have 2 safehouses or Residential Resources and 1 transitioning apartment in the Community of Madrid and in the Valencian Community, which are managed by a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified professionals.


Awareness and training related to human trafficking and sexual exploitation are fundamental tools for its prevention. Through it, we aim to reduce tolerance regarding this crime and increase social awareness towards it.

The prevention and awareness raising events are aimed at the general population, as well as at stakeholders such as volunteers, law enforcement, public administrations, and other social organizations. We also train our professionals to provide them with the necessary tools for the correct development of their functions.


We actively work on detecting victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation through different actions in strategic points to locate them and offer them assistance and comprehensive support.

In Fiet we actively work in detection through:

• The Madrid Detention Center for Foreigners (Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros).
• MobileUnit.
•  Visits to clubs and apariments where prostitution and exploitation activities are carried out.

Comprehensive care

We offer comprehensive care to women and children who are victims of human trafficking and sexual or labor exploitation. To do so, we have 2 safehouses or Residential Resources- in the Community of Madrid and in the Valencian Community, that represent a new begging in which women, mothers and their children are assisted by our multidisciplinaty team, and receive personalized and comprehensive care that includes social aid medical and psychological attention, legal assistance and labor market insertion related orientation.

We are committed to guaranteeing a promising future to human traffiking and sexual exploitation victims. To do so, we offer educational support and training to the victims with which the can sustain themselves through a job that contributes to their independence.

comprehensive care


Specialized therapeutic care, necessary to define goals to overcome the effects of possible disorders, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


We accompany our beneficiaries to medical check-ups to ascertain their physical health, as well as to follow-up in case of illness and treatment.


Facilitating access to formative courses, adapted to the beneficiaries’ previous academic experience and interests.

social and employment

Search of available resources in the Community, that offer different activities focused on facilitating insertion into the job market, such as learning how to prepare a CV, conducting job interviews, etc.

maternal education

we offer a special program in which we work on care and mother-child relationships in a positive way

integration, recreation and leisure

Organization of actions aimed to promote self-care and enjoyment, as well as the improvement of the coexistence between the beneficiaries.


We offer personalized assistance and accompaniment in legal proceedings, as well as in the regularization of their administrative situation in Spain, in accordance with the provisions of the Law. The coordination of these activities will be carried out by the lawyers of the Entity, who will provide this attention both online and in person.