In 2019 Fiet founded the first Solidary Law Firm in southern Europe.
Our Law firm’s main goal is to offer legal advice and support in the management of administrative and judicial processes to women who are victims and potential victims of human trafficking and that are beneficiaries of our programs, as well as to other people who request our services and find themselves in contexts of vulnerability and social exclusion, at no cost for them*.
In addition, we assist individuals, companies, and other nonprofit organizations, as long as their cases don’t go against Fiet’s values. The income collected from these legal services are destined to Fiet’s cause, with the purpose to continue helping victims of human trafficking and exploitation.
Our legal services:
We count with specialized lawyers with extensive experience, handling cases in a personalized manner. We offer quality legal assistance and defense, in the following areas

criminal law

civil law


immigration law
* After assessing internally, the situation of every client, it will be determined if the legal aid will be pro bono.