In Fiet we give to the ones who need it the most, expecting nothing in return
Since its foundation in Spain in 2009 as a Development and Humanitarian Aid NGO, at Fiet we have worked to defend all people that find themselves in a situation of social injustice, such as refugees, victims of human trafficking or of gender-based violence, as well as other individuals who have suffered the violation of their basic human rights.
In Fiet our ultimate goal is to assist people in need, and our values are the compass that show us the way. We believe that not only what we achieve matters, but also how we achieve it.

The understanding of the reality and suffering of people who are in extreme vulnerability contexts is what moves us to take action.

We share truthful and relevant information about who we are, how we work and what we do, involving the community.

We watch over our own and other’s well-being.

We give the best of ourselves, with the spirit of constant improvement.

We enrich ourselves through our own multidisciplinary and multicultural community.